Our work focuses specifically on the biomechanics of bat flight and its implications for predator-prey interactions. However, this exploration is also highly relevant to topics of interest across physical, biological, and social sciences. By developing our understanding of flight dynamics, we gain an appreciation for the biological design and material properties that facilitate predation. Our work also promotes exploration of bio-inspired design solutions for current and future engineering applications.

All living things are connected through ecological interactions, and bats are certainly no exception. They act as both predators and prey to a diverse range of animal species, and their roles as pollinators and seed dispersers are crucial for many plant species across the globe. And despite their diversity and broad distribution, bats are no less vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances and the perils of global warming. As bats continue to face threats from climate change, habitat destruction and disease, we must continue to expand our knowledge of how bats will respond to these threats and of how we can support them.

How biologists study animal flight

  • Animal biologists observe the behaviors and structures of their study organisms in a few ways. For example, they sometimes watch animals in the lab if they have study organisms available in captivity, they observe animals in naturalistic field settings if they do field work, and they examine aspects of animals’ anatomy if they have access to museum specimens. In participating as close passive or active observers, biologists often notice things of interest, like the way that bats flap their wings, which seems like it would be really tiresome, or how when a bat chases an insect in the air, it seems to trace its path in a particular way.

  • After working with and observing animals in flight, these observations can be turned into more specific research questions. For example, how much heat do bats give off by flapping their wings so quickly? What strategies do bats use to outmaneuver agile insect prey in flight and successfully capture prey? To study animal flight, our questions can be very varied as the topic of flight can be pursued from multiple angles. We can ask questions from engineering perspectives, anatomical backgrounds, or physiological contexts to name a few.

  • After formulating specific research questions, we can form hypotheses that state our questions in an answerable way, so we can predict an outcome, test a scenario, and compare the results with our predictions. For example, I hypothesize that bats will use a lot of heat energy during flight that is given off through their wings. Or, I hypothesize that bats will directly trace the path of a flying moth after “hearing” it fly by with echolocation. We try to make our hypotheses specific, clear, and relevant to the normal and necessary conditions of animal flight. Item description

  • After setting up a testable hypothesis, we design an experiment to assess it. Experiments involving animal flight can vary greatly in methods and materials. Biologists often make use of lab structures like flight arenas and wind tunnels, biochemistry experiments involving enzymes and assays, and field experiments involving recording equipment and force measurements. Videography is often a crucial part of biomechanics, and upgrades in videography and digitization technology (the tracking of specific points on an animal’s body in space over time) can advance biomechanical experiments and outcomes greatly. Some examples of experiments include testing the temperatures of wing muscles in bats during flight over time, and tracking the trajectories of bats and moths during hunting behaviors. An important aspect of testing, and of testing in animal biology in particular, is repetition of experiments; animals can vary in their behaviors and abilities so it is important to try to maximize the number of individuals and trials tested per condition.

  • After running a sufficient number of experiments, biologists can assess patterns in the data and determine statistically significant results, leading to new or improved conclusions about many aspects of animal flight.

Convergent evolution

  • The evolution of similar traits to adapt to similar circumstances, not by shared lineages.

  • Birds and bats are the perfect example of what is called convergent evolution. Normally, when two species have very similar characteristics, we assume that they both evolved from a common ancestor who had this trait. For example, humans and monkeys have opposable thumbs, and we almost certainly developed this characteristic from shared common ancestry. This is called divergent evolution. On the other hand, convergent evolution occurs when there is a shared trait between two species, but there is no common ancestor with that trait. Convergent evolution most often occurs when the two species experience the same environmental pressures that drive evolution of that particular trait in both species. Birds and bats both have wings, but they developed this trait independently of one another, rather than through common ancestry. Another example of convergent evolution is that sharks and dolphins look very similar, but they are very very distantly related (dolphins are mammals!). They look similar because they both evolved more recently in a shared aquatic environment.

Threats to bats

  • White nose-syndrome - cave bats are most at risk for contracting and dying from this fungal disease. When the bat picks up the fungus (from other bats, the environment, or humans tracking it), the fungus grows on their nose and wing tips. The biggest problems for WNS-positive bats comes with hibernation. Rather than conserving energy and surviving through the whole winter, Bats with this fungus tend to wake up more often, leading to starvation. Many bat researchers and conservationists have led efforts to decontaminate the environment itself, as well as visitors to bat habitats.

  • Wind Turbines - Up to hundreds of thousands of bats are estimated to die each year from collisions with wind turbines. It is still not well understood why bats and birds are prone to crashing into such large structures, and most animals who are killed are in healthy condition with regular eyesight and echolocation physiology.

  • Changes in climate affect a lot of different aspects of bat’s lifestyles. Some of these include changes in predation, food sources, extreme weather events such as heat waves or flooding, etc.

    Habitat loss including destruction of mines/caves that act as roosting sites. ***

  • Destructive mining techniques like using explosives or excavating earth to get at guano can affect the stability and airflow in a cave.

    Pesticides used around a mining site can reduce the insect populations the bats need to survive off of.

    Debris and trash left behind by miners can hurt the bats.

Infectious disease

  • Zoonotic diseases: diseases that are transmissible between humans and animals.

  • In bats, the major zoonotic diseases that are studied are severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), MERS, Ebola virus, and Nipah virus. Bats and humans have relatively high potential for transmitting zoonotic diseases to each other because bats and humans often occupy the same spaces and environments, giving lots of potential for close interaction and the spread of diseases.

    Bats often carry pathogenic organisms without showing any symptoms, acting as carriers of the disease, until it jumps to a different species. The pathogens are most often viruses, with at least 130 different types of viruses carried by bats. The logistics on how this is possible, and why bats can carry so many diseases without ever getting sick, is still being researched. One theory on why bats may not be affected by all of these has to do with their ability to fly, and how it affects their body temperature and physiological adaptations. Flying itself causes a few natural stress responses in the body of bats, including an extremely high heart rate and a soaring body temperature. While these would be extremely dangerous to most animals, bats have evolved to withstand them. Alongside these, bats seemed to have evolved stronger immune systems that are capable of withstanding much more extreme stressors. So, when the bat comes in contact with a virus, the immune system is strong enough that it doesn’t need to trigger such a strong reaction in the body to kick it out, thus allowing it to fight or co-exist with the virus without causing sickness. Bats and the viruses essentially co-evolve, but cause issues when the bat acts as a vector and transmits the virus to a different organism whose immune system is not as robust.

  • A few viruses do affect bats and threaten their lives. They can spread these diseases through bites or other close interactions with their own species, or other species. One example of this is rabies. Rabies is fatal to bats, humans, and most other animals, but there is a period of time where a sick bat can still transmit the disease to animals, such as to a dog who has caught the bat or been bitten. Only around 1-3 cases of rabies in humans are reported each year in the United States (per the CDC).

Bat species in the Chiricahua Mountains in Portal, AZ

Emmet Marsh

Eleanor Parks

Eleanor Parks

Emmet Marsh

Monet Goode

Monet Goode